viernes, 15 de marzo de 2013

Types of farming


Refers to the practice of grazing animals on the public lands. Some public lands may also be used for raising livestock.                                                           

Rain and irrigated farming

Farming in areas where rainfall is deficient and there is no assured source of artificial irrigation, is referred to as dry farming.

Mixed farming

Mixed farming is the combining of two independent agricultural enterprises on the same farm.

Single Crop and Multi-crop Farming
Single-crop farming is a form of specialised farming. If a farmer specialises in crop enterprise, it is left to him to produce a single crop or a multiplicity of crops. 

Diversified Farming
When a farmer is engaged in a multitude of farm enterprises, it is referred to as diversified farming. If a large number of crop enterprises, with or without a number of non-crop enterprise is run by a single farmer, it is referred to as diversified farming. Raising of five or six crops makes it diversified. The motive behind diversified farming is self-sufficiency. 

Specialised Farming
In a general sense, when only few enterprises are run by the farmer, in which he has acquired special knowledge, it is known as specialised farming. Specifically, specialised farming refers to only one kind of farm business such as raising food crops or rearing sheep or raising dairy cattle. Raising two to three crops makes it specialized. The motive behind specialied farming is profit. 

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