viernes, 15 de marzo de 2013

Crop farming

People get a major part of the food they consume out of farmed crops. Farming can be pursued as a small project or a commercial one. Are you interested in growing crops for either reason? We have a guide that will help you understand the basics of crop farming.
Farmed crops are a major source of food for human and raw materials for industries. Human has cultivated plants for sustenance ever since.
In the modern times, these crops are further processed to make substances for various other uses. And due to population increase, new technologies have emerged to enable farmers to grow crops at higher yields, larger size, and with more resistance to pests and insects.
Farms can be run as small family farms of less than 10 acres or as a commercial one with sales of at least $250,000. They could be managed intensively as a small project or run with the latest in farming technology. But just the same, farmers of crops of any size face basically the same forces and challenges

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